Why this New Site?
Some of you have asked me why we used external resources to showcase our work and manage the blog of our new website.
If web 2.0 is driven by user generated content, then it certainly makes the world an easier place to congregate. Virtual public spaces combined with search make it easier to share your message and be found by people who might actually be looking for it.
Consider a 2005 survey where 72% of people said they began their search for a product or service online. Just look at how important YouTube and Myspace are to political candidates, the entertainment industry and just about every major brand in the universe.
While we have the programming skills in house to develop our own galleries and blog, as we have done for many clients, we decided to see if we could tap the grass roots power of the internet to share our work. Netroots, as it is called, allows us to proliferate our own brand and associate it with “tags” or key words that make sense to our industry and those we have served.
So, while the internet continues to make the boundaries of geography, time and space less relevant, the age old saying “it takes a village” has probably never been more accurate.
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