Friday, October 14, 2005

NEW WORK: Getting Noticed in a Crowd

Financial Services (Tax, Accounting, 401k, etc.) is a tough business to realize success in advertising for. Tough because they provide services that many of us find cumbersome. We either don’t understand it, don’t want to deal with it or we know we need it and we naturally assume that all the players pretty much do it the same way. Finally, we just do it—find someone to take care of our needs.

Ah, but I can tell you first-hand—this is a mistake. My new accountant here in Florida has been spectacular. They pointed out to me things I’m still shocked to this very day that my previous accountant never told me about!

Yet, it’s hard to get all that across in ad campaigns given the short attention span of consumers. Additionally, in fast growing town like St. Petersburg, ubiquity is an important feature of advertising for those services people consider being somewhat mundane. Making sure you stand out among the clutter will help create top of mind recall when potential clients decide they DO need you.

We tried to address both of these issues in this recent campaign for America’s Business Manager. The ads try to get noticed by being a bit provocative, highlight the dedication to service and point out the breadth of services.

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